Agarwood Hindi Royal

Agarwood Hindi Royal is the type of Agarwood chips from India. We propose here resinous Grade A chips within standard to large shapes. Luxury scent, with a traditional Indian profile: strong and deep woody, a little bit smoky.

How to use it:

Light up a charcoal and place it in a bakhoor burner, it can be a traditional dabqaad, a modern designed incense burner or any type, as long as you are able to place the hot coal.

Then put a little piece of agarwood onto the hot coal and let the smoke perfume the room. You can also make a fumigation, meaning perfuming yourself and your clothes with it, take the bakhoor burner next to you for 30 to 60 seconds.

Rumman Fashion is the Canadian Distributor of Perfume Designer Maison Anthony Marmin.


3gms (1/4tola)


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